Nilbog: Spirit Talker's Headdress will now appear properly to other players.Nilbog: Corrected spawns of the golra island in timorous.Nilbog: an ice giant youth may now be found in permafrost.Nilbog: Corrected minotaur patriarch spawn in gukbottom.Nilbog: wolves may now spawn in the West Freeport newbie area.Nilbog: 'Tiny Skeletons' quest should function much better.Nilbog: crystal spiders will not be assisted by other npcs in skyshrine.Nilbog: 'The Nitrates and the Assassin' quest should function much better.Nilbog: Prior to June2000, Donal's Vambraces will have a cast time of 6 seconds.Nilbog: Prior to June2000, Giant Fire Beetle Eye has 1 charge of Enchant Silver that does not require a reagent.Nilbog: Added missing dialogue to Lord Pickclaw.Nilbog: Prior to July1999, both Heatstone and Coldstone will be expendable 1 charge stones, providing Serpent Sight and Ultravision, respectively.
Nilbog: Heatstone may be worn in the ammo slot.
Nilbog: Updated faction rewards for Sentry Kcor's Helm and Toe quests. Nilbog: Smithy Hammers nor ore are sold in Kaladim prior to Sep2000. Nilbog: Prior to Oct1999, Meldrath the Malignant is lower level and his Guards/Sentries are higher level. Nilbog: Created pre-upgrade Test of the Eagle reward. Nilbog: Grapes are now sold in Neriak Commons. Nilbog: Kozyn Gigglephizz's quest now exists. Nilbog: Tattered Gnomish Cloak will not drop until Jul2000. Nilbog: Small Gauntlet Mold, Gauntlet Mold, Large Gauntlet Mold will not be sold prior to Oct1999. Nilbog: Frebin Tinderhue now has loot, faction, and era-specific sizing. Nilbog: All existing issues with merchants assisting in combat should now be resolved. (Rogues may now achieve > 200 Make Poison while already having another tradeskill > 200) Nilbog: Make Poison is excluded from tradeskill specialization limit. No longer will it rain for real life days at a time, desert zones receive less rain, and weather patterns should be more dynamic Nilbog: The weather system has been modified.